Feeding Squirrels On My Way To Work

Saturday, September 02, 2006

My blog entries for this week have been brief. Considering how I tend to bog down in details, this may be a good thing. There has been plenty for me to write about, but I haven't been keeping up. I have missed at least a couple of opportunities to record interesting stories. Instead, I have been watching Lost.

Lost is a TV series that caught my interest when it debuted a couple of years ago. But, I didn't watch it - not a single episode. I'd just gotten out of the habit of watching television. I watch television a lot, but I just can't make a habit of it anymore. I can't mark it on my calendar to turn the TV on every Tuesday at eight o'clock sharp and keep up with a series. Considering all the hype and positive reviews that Lost had received during its first and second season, I regretted missing it. I knew that it was a continuous story, so picking it up it in progress was out of the question. For me, Lost was, well, lost.

Then, on Monday, one of Phillip's coworkers loaned us the complete first season of Lost - a seven DVD set. I have been watching it in marathon sessions every night this week - all 24 episodes. Phillip's not ready to watch it yet, and he doesn't want to learn any plot secrets ahead of time, so I've been waiting until he goes to bed to start the next episode. Every night, I've been watching Lost for three or four hours at a time. I haven't been keeping up with this blog. Last night, I watched the 24th episode. Now I hear that the second season goes on sale this Tuesday.

I hope that Phillip wants to watch the series. I'd like to watch it with him, because I'm sure that there are clues I missed the first time around.

Yes, I enjoyed the show a lot.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

"The Vampires' Request" got approved and listed late last night. It's been found twice this morning. Phillip and I are both worried that if more geocachers ignore our request for nighttime caching only (because of the visibility of the placement) that our latest hide won't last long.

A woman was selling Real Change (Seattle's homeless newspaper) early this morning at the bus stop. I talked to her a while about what a great strategy she came up with. It's amazing that I'd never seen someone marketing to early morning commuters before.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I brought my yoga mat with me to the Church Council retreat, but I didn't use it. I didn't realize how much I've missed yoga class until I sent in my registration form.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I now know that what kept me in bed all day Sunday was not a hangover. I know, because the exact same symptoms kept Phillip in bed all day today - and he didn't drink any alcohol at all last night.

This morning, I mailed in my registration for the next session of yoga, which starts next week.

This evening, I phoned Shakti Cove and made our reservations for the end of October.

Monday, August 28, 2006

So, maybe I haven't seen it all yet. A new patient in our clinic is, among other illnesses, under a voodoo curse. Seriously. Her husband has to do all of her communicating for her.

Last Friday, after our visit to Groundspeak Headquarters, we replaced the container for "I Can See The Dawghouse From Here!" and also moved it to a new location. I like the original location better, but it had become a homeless sleeping area, and we suspect that that was why it had gotten muggled. We also set up "The Vampires' Request" in an entirely new location, and sent an email to the reviewer, asking that it be un-archived and reviewed. That was the end of our geocaching activity for the weekend. It was just too hot to spend much time outdoors.

On Saturday, Phillip suggested that we go to Northgate Mall. I wasn't keen on the idea, at first - neither one of us are mall cruisers. But then Phillip reminded me that Colin had started a job at B. Dalton's in the mall, and explained that the idea was to drop by and say hello. So, we went to Northgate. Colin was not there when we showed up. We browsed around the bookstore for awhile, and I discovered the "Books in Spanish" section. I then had the idea to buy a copy of "Los Funerales de la Mama Grande" and return the library's copy. They didn't have it, but I ended up buying Cien Añon de Soledad, and a collection of Gabriel García Márquez short stories: Ojos de Perro Azul - both en español, of course. It will probably take me a long time to get through them both, but that's OK with me.

On the way out of the mall, we stopped into a little Indonesian import shop, and I bought a perpetual calendar for work - patients will still keep asking me "What's the date today?" but I think it will be a good thing for those patients who do read signs.

I've been wanting to start going out to clubs with Phillip again - ever since the smoking ban went into effect. So, Saturday night, we finally returned to R Place. We were disappointed to discover that all of their pinball machines had been removed. We'd paid a five dollar cover charge to get in, and it seemed like a waste to just turn around and leave, so we had drinks and people-watched. We both had a great time.

I woke up late Sunday morning with what was obviously the worst hangover I'd had in years. I threw up a few times, then went back to bed. Phillip kept trying to get me to drink some water, but the idea of drinking anything was just to repulsive to me. I woke up again around four in the afternoon, feeling better, but not entirely well. I drank a large glass of water. I started thinking about things, and realized that they didn't add up right. I got a good buzz Saturday night, but I certainly didn't drink enough to be as sick as I was. I'm sure there was some hangover in there, but it must have made whatever other illness I had that much worse. The fact that I'm still not feeling fit this morning supports that theory.

After I got up Sunday afternoon, Phillip and I went shopping at Grocery Outlet. Then we came home, and checked to see if "The Vampires' Request" had been approved. It hadn't. Then Phillip suggested that we go to Madison Beach. We sat on the beach, admired the view, and people-watched. Then we went out to dinner at Olympia Pizza, on 15th. Then we went home and went to bed.