I get the most interesting mail on Fridays.
In the mailbox this afternoon was a letter forwarded to me by The Sun. I'm a bit skeptical right now. The letter was written by a "no-budget indie filmmaker" who works for, or owns (I'm not sure which), Turnip Video. This filmmaker says he wants to make a short film based on my Second Chances piece, and needs my permission to go farther with the idea.
The last sentence of his letter is: "I assure him that little of no money is involved!" I think he meant or instead of of - but maybe that's a sign that it's not a form letter. The question that both Phillip and I have is "Whose money?"
I have an interesting life.
On an unrelated topic, in my email today was a rejection letter from Glimmer Train. They won't be publishing Alejandro Comes And Goes.
Also unrelated: The Wake, the last volume in the "Sandman" series arrived at the library today.
In the mailbox this afternoon was a letter forwarded to me by The Sun. I'm a bit skeptical right now. The letter was written by a "no-budget indie filmmaker" who works for, or owns (I'm not sure which), Turnip Video. This filmmaker says he wants to make a short film based on my Second Chances piece, and needs my permission to go farther with the idea.
The last sentence of his letter is: "I assure him that little of no money is involved!" I think he meant or instead of of - but maybe that's a sign that it's not a form letter. The question that both Phillip and I have is "Whose money?"
I have an interesting life.
On an unrelated topic, in my email today was a rejection letter from Glimmer Train. They won't be publishing Alejandro Comes And Goes.
Also unrelated: The Wake, the last volume in the "Sandman" series arrived at the library today.