Phillip and I went to separate libraries to play Neopets again. We played a game called Armada. Neither one of us had read the rules, but quickly caught on to how the game is played. Phillip won. He would have won by a smaller margin if I had seen that last move I could have made.
When I first tried yoga, I did so for the spiritual benefit. Before my computer time today, I visited the yoga books in the Central Library. I thought about how odd it seems to me that they're shelved next to the exercise and diet books. That must be a Western attitude. I really hadn't considered yoga as an exercise. Lisa has never talked about any physical benefits to yoga.
For the first time since starting yoga, I woke up this morning with a small amount of pain and stiffness in my neck. I hope that isn't a bad sign.
On the bus ride to the library, four black teenagers got on downtown, sat down somewhere behind me, and launched into a rap song in unison. They were quite good at it. Then an interesting thing happened. As I listened to them, I began to think that they sounded very much like Tibetan Buddhist monks chanting. I'm serious. They had the same rhythm and pitch as Tibetan monks. I'm sure that if those young men were to read this, they'd laugh their heads off.
I wore my "new" Birkenstocks downtown. I realized that I've never worn sandals very much in my life. The Birkenstocks are very comfortable, and I felt like I was walking around in my socks. I commented on that to Phillip when I got home, and he replied, "That's 'cause you're wearing socks with your sandals." Later, I walked over to Top Pot for an afternoon latte. I wore my Birkenstocks without socks. It feels better without socks.
When I first tried yoga, I did so for the spiritual benefit. Before my computer time today, I visited the yoga books in the Central Library. I thought about how odd it seems to me that they're shelved next to the exercise and diet books. That must be a Western attitude. I really hadn't considered yoga as an exercise. Lisa has never talked about any physical benefits to yoga.
For the first time since starting yoga, I woke up this morning with a small amount of pain and stiffness in my neck. I hope that isn't a bad sign.
On the bus ride to the library, four black teenagers got on downtown, sat down somewhere behind me, and launched into a rap song in unison. They were quite good at it. Then an interesting thing happened. As I listened to them, I began to think that they sounded very much like Tibetan Buddhist monks chanting. I'm serious. They had the same rhythm and pitch as Tibetan monks. I'm sure that if those young men were to read this, they'd laugh their heads off.
I wore my "new" Birkenstocks downtown. I realized that I've never worn sandals very much in my life. The Birkenstocks are very comfortable, and I felt like I was walking around in my socks. I commented on that to Phillip when I got home, and he replied, "That's 'cause you're wearing socks with your sandals." Later, I walked over to Top Pot for an afternoon latte. I wore my Birkenstocks without socks. It feels better without socks.