Anger is an interesting thing. A while back, at work, V went through about a week of appearing to be upset with me. Normally, we get along great together, but during that week I couldn't do anything right around her. I asked my downstairs boss if she knew what I'd done to offend V. I learned that it had nothing to do with me, so I let it run its course. These days, V and I are back to working great together. For the past few days, my upstairs boss has been in such a foul mood that some of us are afraid she'll quit. She's snapped my head off a few times this week. We all know and understand the problem. Today, it was my downstairs boss' turn for a tantrum. I've had my bad days, but I tend to sulk. While my group doesn't encourage little emotional outbursts, it understands that sometimes they're necessary - and we would rather they be taken out on coworkers (as long as they're not actually directed at anyone) than on patients.
This week's negative work atmosphere made this evening's yoga class feel wonderful. My downstairs boss didn't join me - I don't know if that was because she decided she wasn't interested, or if it was fear of getting stuck in Seattle if it started snowing. We hadn't talked about it. There were a lot of familiar people in this evening's class, and a lot of new class members. I realized tonight that it's become natural for me to focus my asanas on my back - where I need the most work - and less so on my arms and legs (where I'm "super flexible," according to Lisa).
I got my favorite spot, next to the altar, again this evening.
This week's negative work atmosphere made this evening's yoga class feel wonderful. My downstairs boss didn't join me - I don't know if that was because she decided she wasn't interested, or if it was fear of getting stuck in Seattle if it started snowing. We hadn't talked about it. There were a lot of familiar people in this evening's class, and a lot of new class members. I realized tonight that it's become natural for me to focus my asanas on my back - where I need the most work - and less so on my arms and legs (where I'm "super flexible," according to Lisa).
I got my favorite spot, next to the altar, again this evening.