Last Wednesday, Lynn contacted me for help picking up a couple of chairs she'd put on hold at the Lynnwood Fred Meyer. Lynn does not own a car and I am happy to offer her transportation when a bus ride won't do. Knowing that the chairs wouldn't fit in our Prius, Lynn asked me if I could reserve a pickup truck from Flexcar. Phillip suggested to me that a minivan might do better. I had a third idea, however. I figured that one of Flexcar's Honda Element AWDs might do the job well. Besides, as much as I detest SUVs, I've been curious about what it's like to drive one. I did a search from work and found two Honda Elements near our apartment - one at 10th and John, and the other at Melrose and Denny. I didn't have my new PIN with me, so I'd have to wait until after Spanish class to make the reservation. That worried me a bit. With this nice summer weather, are too many people going to be reserving SUVs for weekend drives to the mountains? I got home Wednesday night and was amazed to find that neither of those two Elements had any reservations - at all - on Saturday.
The Honda Element I reserved was bright red. It seemed to be what an SUV should be - it was functional (I liked the idea of the washable interior) and versatile (I liked that the back seats folded not only down, but up out of the way). Phillip went with us, and even with three of us riding in it, the two chairs fit in perfectly. I hated driving the thing, though. I'd gotten used to the maneuverability and the visibility around me that the Prius gives me. With the Element, I felt like I was driving a truck - which, of course, I was.
As I drove us and the chairs down the freeway toward Lynn's house, I remarked that if I ever feel the need to own an SUV - although I couldn't imagine why I'd need to have one - the Element seemed like the one I'd want. Then Lynn pointed out that it was nice that I have one when I really need it, and I don't have it when I don't need it. Then Phillip remarked that that is exactly why we signed up for Flexcar.
The Honda Element I reserved was bright red. It seemed to be what an SUV should be - it was functional (I liked the idea of the washable interior) and versatile (I liked that the back seats folded not only down, but up out of the way). Phillip went with us, and even with three of us riding in it, the two chairs fit in perfectly. I hated driving the thing, though. I'd gotten used to the maneuverability and the visibility around me that the Prius gives me. With the Element, I felt like I was driving a truck - which, of course, I was.
As I drove us and the chairs down the freeway toward Lynn's house, I remarked that if I ever feel the need to own an SUV - although I couldn't imagine why I'd need to have one - the Element seemed like the one I'd want. Then Lynn pointed out that it was nice that I have one when I really need it, and I don't have it when I don't need it. Then Phillip remarked that that is exactly why we signed up for Flexcar.