Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels, long-time supporter of the Seattle Monorail Project, made his decision today on the future of the project. He suggested that it be ended, and that Seattle refuse to grant building permits for it, citing the project's financial troubles. I am not surprised by his decision, and I am saddened by the rightness of it.
The Seattle Times asked its online readers for their opinions. This is what I wrote:
Seattle is in desperate need of a rapid mass transit system. Given its steep hills and crowded landscape, a monorail is this city's best option. However, I agree with Mayor Nickels' decision to withdraw his support for the project. The current Seattle Monorail Project is, sadly, a good idea executed badly.
I'm quoting that from memory, since my input didn't get published - at least, not in the online version of the newspaper. I didn't intend for the last sentence to rhyme. I wish it didn't.
The Seattle Times asked its online readers for their opinions. This is what I wrote:
Seattle is in desperate need of a rapid mass transit system. Given its steep hills and crowded landscape, a monorail is this city's best option. However, I agree with Mayor Nickels' decision to withdraw his support for the project. The current Seattle Monorail Project is, sadly, a good idea executed badly.
I'm quoting that from memory, since my input didn't get published - at least, not in the online version of the newspaper. I didn't intend for the last sentence to rhyme. I wish it didn't.