I had a dream this morning. I was walking through the downtown area of some city with an unseen person. We were going somewhere specific but we were walking at a leisurely pace. Up ahead, the sidewalk curved around a large department store. I was secretly hoping that we'd take a shortcut through the store, instead of going around it, because I was getting cold. I was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and I was barefooted. Up ahead, two men, engaged in a conversation, were walking toward us. They were dressed the same as I was. I wondered if I was the only one who felt cold. End of dream.
I woke up with the song "You Can't Go Home Again," by Bon Jovi, stuck in my head. I'm not very fond of that song.
Work today started boringly slow. My coworkers and I figured that our patients had gotten an early start on the three day weekend. (A large percentage of our patients are unemployed, however.) Then, at 12:45, the clinic filled with patients and we were stressfully busy for the rest of the day.
This evening was the fifth class in our current session. This session is focused on the seven chakras. (This is the second time since I've been going there that we've had a chakra session.) It's convenient that there are seven classes in a session, and seven chakras, I think. We chanted the sound associated with each chakra, chanting for one minute each.
I learned a fascinating thing about chanting this evening: The founders of yoga realized that chanting creates beneficial vibrations within the body. To them, it was the vibrations of the chanting, rather than words, that was the important thing about the chant. This idea was later confirmed by scientists who discovered that all atoms, including those in your body, have a vibration and that sounds vibrating at the same frequency are healthy for you.
I woke up with the song "You Can't Go Home Again," by Bon Jovi, stuck in my head. I'm not very fond of that song.
Work today started boringly slow. My coworkers and I figured that our patients had gotten an early start on the three day weekend. (A large percentage of our patients are unemployed, however.) Then, at 12:45, the clinic filled with patients and we were stressfully busy for the rest of the day.
This evening was the fifth class in our current session. This session is focused on the seven chakras. (This is the second time since I've been going there that we've had a chakra session.) It's convenient that there are seven classes in a session, and seven chakras, I think. We chanted the sound associated with each chakra, chanting for one minute each.
I learned a fascinating thing about chanting this evening: The founders of yoga realized that chanting creates beneficial vibrations within the body. To them, it was the vibrations of the chanting, rather than words, that was the important thing about the chant. This idea was later confirmed by scientists who discovered that all atoms, including those in your body, have a vibration and that sounds vibrating at the same frequency are healthy for you.